The mission of the Chicago Bread Club is to share the art and knowledge of bread, and to promote and expand the racial equity of the regional grain economy.
Our Monthly Meetings:
No need to RSVP!
JUST Show up! bring friends & bread!
The Chicago Bread Club meets once a month at locations throughout Chicago that allow outside food. We usually have a guest host, and that can be anyone who has knowledge of and is connected with our regional grain economy and our mission. It’s free to attend, no need to RSVP, all are welcome. (While not required, RSVPs help us plan and On rare occasions a RSVP is required because space is limited, so check every month.) Grain and beans are always available as intact kernels to mill on our community mill or to take home for seed. Please join us at our next bread club meeting!
Find out more details about upcoming Chicago Bread Club meetings and events by following us on Instagram and Facebook.